International Judicial Monitor
Published by the American Society of International Law and the International Judicial Academy
September 2006, Volume 1, Issue 4

calendar of events


Update on Hague Service Convention
ABA Center for CLE and ABA Section of International Law
September 26, 2006
Washington, District of Columbia

Examining the Implications of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
The American University Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
September 26, 2006
Washington, District of Columbia

On June 29, 2006, the Supreme Court issued a pivotal decision overturning the use of military tribunals at Guantánamo Bay. This conference will analyze the implications of this decision, discussing its various dimensions, including its impact on international law, separation of powers, habeas corpus, and how the decision specifically impacts practitioners and detainees at Guantánamo Bay.

Judgment at Nuremberg: Symposium, Commemoration, Documentary
Whitney R. Harris Institute for Global Legal Studies, the Department of Philosophy and the School of Law at Washington University in St. Louis, in collaboration with the Robert H. Jackson Center and the American Society of International Law
September 29 – October 1, 2006
St. Louis, Missouri

An ASIL Centennial Regional Meeting, this is a symposium on international criminal law; commemoration of the trial of the major German war criminals at the end of the second world war and its impact on international law, the judicial system, and world peace and order; and a special commentary and film documentary presentation.


Symposium on the Humanitarian Crises in Darfur and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Northwestern University School of Law Bluhm Legal Clinic’s Center on International Human Rights with the Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights and the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
October 5-6, 2006
Chicago, Illinois

An ASIL Centennial Regional Meeting.  Participants will address the gross human rights abuses against civilians over a period of years in Darfur (Sudan) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and will evaluate the response of the international community to those crises. Panel topics will focus on recommendations along three tracks: humanitarian, security, and judicial. Conference panelists will focus attention on the human rights abuses and call for concrete action to redress the wrongs, analyzing in the process the roles of the United Nations, the African Union, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, humanitarian organizations, governments, national courts, and the International Criminal Court.

Lessons from the Saddam Trial
Case Western Reserve University School of Law Frederick K. Cox International Law Center
October 6, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio

An ASIL Centennial Regional Meeting.  Billed by the international media as the “real trial of the century,” the televised proceedings in the first case before the Iraqi High Tribunal were punctuated by gripping testimony of atrocities, controversial judicial rulings, assassinations of defense counsel, resignation of judges, scathing outbursts, allegations of mistreatment by the defendants, hunger strikes, and even underwear appearances.  Was it a mistake to try Saddam in Baghdad before a panel of Iraqi judges?  Was the Iraqi High Tribunal a legitimate judicial institution?  Were the proceedings fundamentally fair?  Did the judges react properly to the defendant’s attempts to derail the proceedings?  Was the media coverage of the trial comprehensive and accurate?  And what are the lessons for future war crimes trials?  These questions will be addressed in a unique, day-long symposium, one week before the judges announce their verdict in the Dujail Trial.  A special ceremony dedicating the Archives of the U.N. War Crimes Commission for the former Yugoslavia will precede the symposium.  Tours of the archives and artifacts will be conducted during breaks.  Web Cast live on the Internet.

The Nuremberg War Crimes Trial and Its Policy Consequences Today
The Graduate Program in Policy History of Bowling Green State University, the University of Toledo College of Law and the Robert H. Jackson Center
October 6-7, 2006
Bowling Green, Ohio

An ASIL Centennial Regional Meeting, this is a two-day interdisciplinary conference with the aim of facilitating the study of historical, political, legal and military implications of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial across the past six decades. Robert H. Jackson, Associate Supreme Court Justice and United States Chief of Counsel for the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, asserted we “must never forget that the record on which we judge these defendants today is the record on which history will judge us tomorrow.” We explore that history through an invitation for paper and panel proposals on topics that deal with these implications within the disciplines of history, law, military science, international relations and political science.

WIPO Arbitration Workshop
World Intellectual Property Organization
October 17-18, 2006
Geneva, Switzerland

The purpose of this workshop is to provide intensive basic training of a practical nature for party representatives in arbitration and for arbitrators. The training, which will be conducted by experienced international arbitrators, will focus on the main principles of international commercial arbitration law and practice, with particular reference to the practical application of the WIPO Arbitration and Expedited Arbitration Rules in intellectual property and technology disputes. The arbitration rules of other arbitration institutions will also be referred to for purposes of comparison.

2006 International Law Weekend
American Branch of the International Law Association
October 26-28, 2006
New York, New York

The theme this year is "The Evolving World of International Law." The event will explore the rapid evolution of public and private international law and the resulting consequences for the global legal environment.  Experts will lead interactive sessions dealing with such topics as the increasing importance of international courts, escalating tensions between state sovereignty and human rights, the reasons for and consequences of the U.S.'s changing relationships with the rest of the world, and the importance of professional organizations in holding a mirror to power. Jose Alvarez, Hamilton Fish Professor of International Law & Diplomacy at Columbia University School of Law and President of the American Society of International Law, will deliver the luncheon address.

2006 Conference
Canadian Council on International Law
October 26-28, 2006
Ottawa, Canada

The theme of “Responsibility of Individuals, States and Organizations” is particularly timely given the recent success of the International Law Commission (ILC) to adopt the Articles on State Responsibility (2001). Nobody is better placed to speak on this topic than Prof. James Crawford, our keynote speaker. Over the past decade, the ILC Articles, whether in draft or final form, have been referred to by governments, international organizations, courts and tribunals. Arguably, the Articles have already contributed to the progressive development of customary law. However, as the international community makes strides on the development of state responsibility, questions arise as to the responsibility of international organizations, individuals and corporations in international law. The conference will provide an opportunity to canvass some of these questions, including issues surrounding corporate social responsibility and individual criminal responsibility. It will also consider the law applicable to organizations, such as NATO, the UN and its specialized agencies.

Human Rights Fieldwork - Principles, Strategies and Skills
International Human Rights Network
October 28 – November 5, 2006
Maynooth, Ireland

This program will explore the principles underpinning effective human rights fieldwork, and enhance the skills of participants needed to carry this out safely before, during or after armed conflict. The emphasis is on ensuring that human rights fieldwork is relevant, effective, sustainable, participatory and accountable. The program is designed to raise participants’ self-awareness in terms of behaviour, attitudes and values in undertaking international human rights fieldwork. Core principles include the need for genuine partnership with local human rights defenders - both state and non-state. Participants are facilitated in approaching their own development as an on-going process. As a successful applicant you will be part of a multinational, multicultural group with a range of relevant skills and experience.


Public International Trade Law Course
International Development Law Organization
November 6-24, 2006
Sydney, Australia
November 20 – December 8, 2006
Cairo, Egypt

The establishment of the World Trade Organization ensures that its 148 Members, of which approximately two-thirds are developing or transition countries, adhere to a strong, rules-based system in their trade relations. The PITLC aims to provide participants with a greater understanding of the rules, operations and impact of the WTO multilateral trading system, including the work program set out in the Doha Development Agenda (DDA), and of relevant regional trading arrangements. The PITLC is designed to enhance the ability of government officials from WTO member countries to (i) effectively participate in the work of the WTO in pursuit of their national economic and social development interests, (ii) more effectively contribute to the formulation of trade policies and strategies for mainstreaming trade into national development and poverty reduction policies and (iii) implement the WTO Agreements domestically. The course is designed to assist government trade officials to meet the challenges of, and benefit from, global trade liberalization and regional economic integration.

International Economic Law: The State and Future of the Discipline – 2006 IELG Conference
ASIL International Economic Law Interest Group
November 9-12, 2006
Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

Just over sixty years ago, in 1944, the modern international economic framework was created at a conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. There, representatives of the Allied Powers created the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Furthermore, they contemplated and launched the creation of an International Trade Organization, a reality that would not take place until 1995 with the birth of the World Trade Organization. Now, ten years after completion of the final part of the work of the original Bretton Woods conference, and during the first Round of the WTO (the Doha Round), we intend to take stock of the discipline. The conference is organized around the three pillars of the field: Practice/Service, Scholarship, and Teaching, and will engage in a thorough examination of: the state of practice and service within the field; the direction, methods and relevance of research in the subject; and perhaps most importantly, we hope to consider our present and future efforts to teach and train practitioners and researchers in this important field.

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ASIl & International Judicial AcademyInternational Judicial Monitor
© 2006 – The American Society of International Law and International Judicial Academy.

Editors: James G. Apple, Katherine Brantingham and Andrew Solomon.
IJM welcomes comments, suggestions, and submissions.
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